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NOTA Infographic
Information design for data of NOTA votes at the National Elections
Project Guides : Prof. Venkatesh R
The Indian National Elections in 2014 introduced another option of not voting for any party if the voter felt that none of the candidates were suitable. This is called NOTA (None of the above). The infographic is a redesign of separate infographic found on the internet. It explores where NOTA would stand in the elections if it were an actual political party. It was surprising to see that it would be ranked at No.18 out of the 464 political parties; much ahead of a number of prominent political parties in the country.

Original Infographic and Data

Infographic - First Iteration

Infographic - Second Iteration

Election, Infographic, Journalism, Visualization, Information Design, Dataviz, India, IIT, NOTA, Democracy, Mumbai, Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology

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