Akshay Kore | Portfolio
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Do Epic Shit
About me
Interaction Designer, Data Scientist, Data Visualizer, a Maker at heart with a healthy disregard for the impossible. I love technology, books, sometimes people.
Slightly elaborate, impatient, hyperactive; although I think these are good qualities most of the time. There is a perpetual battle between the meticulous and the fast; most times I prefer fast*.
I am available to build things, consult, talk or you can buy me beer!

Currently pursuing a Masters in Interaction Design (HCI) at IDC IIT Bombay
*Although while making this website 'meticulous' won. I coded all the css styles, javascript/css animations, the filtering script on the home page. Making your own website is truly an exercise in self-exploration. And I'm proud for the most part.
Photo courtesy : Abhey Singh

Design of a Context based Phonebook for Mobile Devices - Collaboration with Microsoft Research (ongoing)

Holographic Interface for Museum Exhibits - Research collaboration with CSMVS Museum, Mumbai (ongoing)

Data Explorer for Museum Exhibits - Research collaboration with CSMVS Museum, Mumbai (ongoing)

LookUp Mumbai - Research Internship with JSW Foundation, Mumbai (2015-2016)

Information Design Lab - UI / UX and Data Visualization Intern at IDC, IITB (2015)

EGIS - Urban Design Intern (2013-2014)

Making things is Magic

Big Data, Data Science, Statistics, Information Design, Data Visualization, Urban Design, User Research, Smart City, Voice Interfaces, Internet of Things (IOT), Wearables, Mobile Computing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, User Experience, User Interface, Tangible Interfaces, Motion Sensing, New Media, Entrepreneurship...The Internet, Reading, Writing words and code.
Asking the right questions, Designing the right thing is as important as designing it right.
Design Methods
User Studies, Affinity Mapping, Contextual Inquiry, Usability Evaluation, Heuristic Evaluation, Service Design

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, C, R, SQL, PHP, Processing, Android+Wear

Frameworks and Libraries
Bootstrap, JQuery, D3, Skeleton

Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw, AfterEffects, Premiere Pro, Corel Video Studio, iMovie, Axure, Balsamiq, Indigo Studio, Sketch, Sketchup, Rhino+Grasshopper, Autocad, Word, Excel, Powerpoint
Have Brain. Will Learn.
In search of truth and beauty. Occasionally find both.
It is much more important to be brave than perfect
Get in touch

Current Location : Mumbai

Email : akshaykore [at] gmail [dot] com
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Twitter : @akshaykore
Not too active. Will reply within a week

Not too active. Will reply within a week.

I write for pleasure here. Will rarely reply.


© Akshay Kore